Assorted photos from our shipmates.  There are some great early shots here.

Certificate.gif (221509 bytes)Christening.jpg (69342 bytes)Down the weighs.jpg (78111 bytes)Afloat.jpg (30232 bytes)Launch.jpg (10575 bytes)

Original Certificate

Christening Ceremonies

First Launch

Panama Canal 1.jpg (24142 bytes)Panama Canal 2.jpg (22166 bytes)Water_slug.jpg (19273 bytes)Babygram.jpg (27641 bytes)Code of Conduct.jpg (42552 bytes)

Panama Canal Crossing

Water Slug

Anyone else receive one of these

Code of Conduct

Henderson_at_Ford_Island_.jpg (23101 bytes)King__video_tape.jpg (24648 bytes)On_watch.jpg (30013 bytes)Sleepy_Xmas_patrol.jpg (14732 bytes)

The above three rows of great photos are from ETR1/SS  King Henderson * 1963 - 1967 * Gold Crew (plank owner)

ms_div.jpg (25862 bytes)nav.officers.jpg (42544 bytes)qm_div.jpg (33774 bytes)seaman_gang.jpg (35776 bytes)seaman_gang2.jpg (36930 bytes)sk_div.jpg (29348 bytes)stoneyj.jpg (51697 bytes)

E_Div.jpg (24326 bytes)Eng_Gen.jpg (22123 bytes)Eng_Officers.jpg (23839 bytes)Eng-Various.jpg (27798 bytes)RC_Div.jpg (20785 bytes)STS_Div2.jpg (25709 bytes)STS-FTG_Div1.jpg (23061 bytes)

These are all from STS2/SS (Retired STSCS/SS) Thomas Sifrit 72-76 from a book the crew put out.

SSBN634.jpg (218124 bytes)

from Mike Rothenberg